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Conference Description:

Co-Organizers: Emma Ianni and Valeria Spacciante

AMPRAW is an annual conference that is designed to bring together early-career researchers in the field of classical reception studies, and will be held for the tenth year. It aims to contribute to the growth of an international network of PhDs working on classical reception(s), as well as to strengthen relationships between early career researchers and established academics.

In November 2021, Columbia University hosts the tenth edition of AMPRAW, “Center and Periphery in the Classics: Theory, Practice and Turning Points” The liminal features of the US (and of New York City in particular) inspired us to focus on this topic. Reception Studies in Classics are still treated as “peripheral” in many places, including this country, in spite of their increasing importance. Framing the discussion in terms of center and periphery has the effect of illuminating the ways in which this dichotomy has historically inhabited – and haunted – academia. Conversations about how the Classics contributed to create the myth of a pure and privileged Western culture against which all attempts at intervention have been delegitimized are becoming more and more frequent within North American universities. Hosting AMPRAW at Columbia will facilitate a most important and timely dialogue around how we define what gets treated as a center and why, and who is left out. The theme we propose will open up some areas within the discipline as it is traditionally conceived of: in particular, it could call into question the primacy attributed to the Classical canon, allowing for voices generally disregarded to regain a central place within the scholarly world. Not least, Columbia is stimulated and inspired by its own location –As an historical crossroad of cultures, New York City makes such a renegotiation even more compelling than elsewhere. The city would provide a perfect setting for this meeting, insofar as it showcases the attractiveness of the center, while also revealing how the periphery exists within and is in tension with it.


The AMPRAW 2021 Proceedings aims to promote innovative and original scholarly work in the field of Classical Reception, and at providing a platform for graduate students and early career scholars to publish their research.


The AMPRAW 2021 Proceedings publishes original research papers presented at AMPRAW 2021. We encourage papers in the fields of, but not limited to, archaeology, literary studies, linguistics, (art) history, media studies, religious studies, cultural studies, history of law and political science, dealing with all time periods. Papers should range in length from 2,500-3,000 words. We encourage, but our scope is not limited to, research in the following areas:

  • Classics Inside and Outside the Canon; Classics Inside and Outside Academia
  • Decolonizing the Classics
  • Classics & Activism
  • New Pedagogical Strategies in Classics
  • Translation Studies
  • Classics and Gender, Sexuality and Queer Studies
  • Classics as Public Humanities


Open Access Policy

The AMPRAW 2021 Proceedings is an open access publication, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. Authors retain their copyright and agree to license their articles with a Creative Commons "Attribution" 4.0 license (CC BY). You can read more about Creative Commons licenses at creativecommons.org.

The AMPRAW 2021 Proceedings is a no-fee publication. Authors are not charged for the publication of their articles.

Archiving Policy

The AMPRAW 2021 Proceedings is distributed through Columbia University’s Academic Commons. Academic Commons is Columbia University’s institutional repository, offering long-term public access to research shared by the Columbia community. A program of the Columbia University Libraries, Academic Commons provides secure, replicated storage for files in multiple formats. Academic Commons assigns a DOI and accurate metadata to each work to enhance discoverability.

Files uploaded to Academic Commons are written to an Isilon storage cluster at Columbia University and replicated to an identical system at a secure, offsite facility. The local cluster stores the data in a "best protection possible" policy which provides, at a minimum, guaranteed protection against the loss of any two disks or any one node. When sufficient capacity is available, this is increased automatically. Multiple snapshots are replicated to our disaster recovery site every two hours. The secondary cluster employs the same protections as the primary cluster and both conduct integrity scans to validate that data has not been altered at any point during rebalancing, snapshot, or replication processes.


Peer Review Policy

Successful submissions will go through a double-blind peer review by appointed experts in the field chosen from our diverse pool of peer reviewers. Once the submission is accepted, an editor from our editorial team will be assigned as the primary point of contact for the author and will perform stylistic and small-scale edits on the submission. The editor in chief will approve each submission for publication, followed by a final review of the entire issue by the Advisory Board prior to publication.

The AMPRAW 2021 Proceedings is seeking graduate/doctoral students and scholars willing to serve as peer reviewers for the upcoming Spring 2021 issue, if you are interested follow the instructions in our Call for Peer Reviewers.

Policy on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The AMPRAW 2021 Proceedings is committed to advancing the goals of equity, diversity, and inclusion through policies and structures that support inclusive participation. We seek to increase diversity among reviewers, and authors, and aim in our review process for maximum transparency and generosity. We actively seek out new voices in the field and particularly invite submissions from younger scholars and those of minoritized identities. Finally, we aim to advance our goals through discussion and dissemination of research on equitable publishing practices, and through reflection on implicit bias and structural inequities in the discipline. This policy will be discussed and revised regularly, and we welcome constructive feedback from the community.

Ethics Statement

  1. Confidentiality

The assumption of trust and honesty in the editor-author relationship is a crucial expression of respect. We commit to the legitimacy of the peer-editing process by acting carefully and responsibly in maintaining the confidentiality of personal information to safeguard the trust of all parties.

  1. Bias and Competing Interests

An integral value of our community is a willingness and effort to think and act free of any biases based on personal identity. Our editors commit to evaluating all works without bias toward religious, racial, gendered, or national identity. Eschewing prejudice, we engage all texts with intellectual honesty and open-mindedness.

  • Ethical Standards

If someone involved in the peer-editing process of the AMPRAW 2021 Proceedings has concerns regarding a violation of any aspect of the formulated policy, they may contact the Editors-in-Chief., or the Digital Publishing Librarian, Michelle Wilson (mew2232@columbia.edu). All inquiries will be addressed with the earnest effort to correct any wrongs and ensure a working environment of tolerance and respect.

Language Policy

The language of publication is English. We acknowledge that this choice – made for the sake of accessibility -- is in itself political and problematic, as it betrays a certain history of cultural hegemony and power. We encourage our authors to think explicitly about their own relationship with this issue.