Resurrecting Tradition The Challenge from and towards Kelly Brown Douglas’s Resurrecting Hope

Main Article Content

Grant Kaplan


This paper reviews Kelly Brown Douglas’s Resurrecting Hope and brings it into conversation with certain themes in Catholic theology and with the theory of the scapegoat mechanism articulated by the French intellectual, René Girard.

Author Biography

Grant Kaplan

Grant Kaplan is professor of historical and systematic theology at Saint Louis University. He
received his Ph.D. from Boston College in 2003. He is the author of Answering the
Enlightenment: The Catholic Recovery of Historical Revelation (Herder Herder, 2006), René
Girard, Unlikely Apologist: Mimetic Theory and Fundamental Theology (University of Notre
Dame, 2016), and Faith and Reason through Christian History: A Theological Essay (Catholic
University of America Press, 2022). He is the co editor of the Oxford History of Modern
German Theology. Volume 1: 1781 1848 (Oxford Universit y Press, 2023) His articles have
appeared in such journals as Political Theology Theological Studies Horizons International
Journal of Philosophy and Theology and Newman Studies Journal He has received grants from
the Humboldt Foundation, the National Institute of Newman Studies, and the Fulbright
Foundation. He serves on the board of the Colloquium on Violence Religion and the editorial
board for Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture and Neue Zeitschrift für
Systematische The ologie und Religionsphilosophie He is currently working on a theology of
tradition that will put the concept of living tradition in conversation with contemporary
theological trends.

Article Details

Method and Sources in Black Theology: A Tribute to the 50th Anniversary of James H. Cone’s The Spirituals and the Blues (University of Michigan Press, 1972)
How to Cite
Kaplan, G. . (2024). Resurrecting Tradition: The Challenge from and towards Kelly Brown Douglas’s Resurrecting Hope. Black Theology Papers Project, 8(1).