Outcasts in the Deserts of Hopelessness

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Emilie M. Townes


It was not until Delores Williams’ Sisters in the Wilderness that Black women’s experiences and modes of survival were given theological voice as a companion and/or corrective to the dominant mode of liberation found in Black Theology. This womanist response helped provide a thicker description of Black religious thought and modes of being—female and male. I explore what this expanded discourse has been used in womanist social ethics and ongoing battle that Black folk wage for our humanity.

Article Details

Delores Williams’ Sisters in the Wilderness (Orbis, 1993): Celebrating 25 Years
How to Cite
Townes, E. M. (2019). Outcasts in the Deserts of Hopelessness. Black Theology Papers Project, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.7916/btpp.v4i1.3868