Collectives of Care Thursday, May 21st Z-Panel | 3:00PM EDT

Main Article Content

Meredith TenHoor
Camille Robcis


Event Video


Camille Robcis, Institutional Psychotherapy and Institutional Analysis in 1960s France

Meredith TenHoor, Architectures of Care: French Theories and Institutions circa 1968



[Nicole Sonolet, Diagrams of sociability groupings for the clinic at Soisy-sur-Seine.]

How did the practice of institutional psychotherapy develop, and how has it contributed to our understanding of the spaces and practices necessary for the institutions of care, and to our concepts of a city designed to deliver care? Together, these two papers will discuss the emergence of institutional psychotherapy in Spain and France in the 1960s and 70s, with a focus on the St. Alban clinic, and theories of “collective facilities,” or social care amenities planned and theorized by the French collective CERFI (the Center for Institutional Studies, Research and Training) and the architect Nicole Sonolet. In these contexts philosophers Michel Foucault, Anne Querrien, Félix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze developed now well-known philosophies of power, infrastructure, and the subject that were heavily influenced by their work to provide, design, and theorize spaces of care. Speakes will narrate this moment in urban and intellectual history in order to together discuss how it can inform present debates about theories and practices of care.

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How to Cite
TenHoor, M., & Robcis, C. (2020). Collectives of Care: Thursday, May 21st Z-Panel | 3:00PM EDT. Care for the Polis. Retrieved from