Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography https://journals.library.columbia.edu/index.php/ejab <p><em>Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography</em> (<span class="il">EJAB</span>) (ISSN 1092-9576) is a refereed, online, open access journal of annotated bibliographies and bibliographic essays. The journal covers any aspect of Africa and the African Diaspora, including its peoples, their homes, cities, towns, districts, states, countries, and regions, and all subject areas, with a special interest in history, politics, social movements, sustainable development, technology, creative literature, and the arts.</p> <p>EJAB <span class="sentence-wrapper_without-hover">est une revue en ligne à accès libre et à comité de lecture</span> qui publie des bibliographies annotées et des essais bibliographiques. La revue publie sur tous les aspects de l’Afrique et de la Diaspora africaine y compris ses peuples et leurs lieux de résidence: leurs régions, pays, états, villes, et quartiers. Tous les domaines sont bienvenus, mais le comité a un intérêt particulier pour l'histoire, la politique, les mouvements sociaux, le développement durable, la technologie, la littérature, et les arts.</p> Columbia University Libraries en-US Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography 1092-9576 Guides, Collections and Ancillary Materials to African Archival Resources in the United States https://journals.library.columbia.edu/index.php/ejab/article/view/6975 <p>This is a list of published guides to the archives of Africa, especially those in microform and including inventories, records, catalogs, lists both finding- and special-, indexes, annual reports (and for South Africa, also archivalia and trials), arranged by regions, primary international language, and countries, excluding only Egypt, with titles in English, French, and Portuguese, but not those solely in Arabic. No titles were found for Spanish-speaking Africa. Collections of Africana on microfilm are identified as they provide better access to original materials not otherwise available. In addition, considerable time and funds have been spent by non-profit organizations such as the Cooperative Africana Microform Project (CAMP) in identifying archives and manuscripts to be filmed, targeting the funds to film them, and then having the microfilm available to scholars world-wide. The Center for Research Libraries (CRL) online catalog which contains CAMP's nearly 10,000 titles is a major source for African archival materials.</p> John Bruce Howell Yvette Scheven Copyright (c) 1997 Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2020-09-03 2020-09-03 1 10.52214/ejab.v1i.6975