2021–2022 Board of Editors

Benjamin Koslowe

Executive Articles Editor: 
Hallie Blejewski

Executive Submissions Editor: 
Davis Zosel

Executive Notes Editor: 
Cameron Turkzadeh

Executive Production Editor: 
Dola Adebayo

Managing Editor: 
Jiajun Lu

Online and Symposium Editor: 
Rameez Anwar

Submissions Editors:
Rameez Anwar
Gersham Johnson
Isabella Masiello

Notes Editor: 
Gersham Johnson

Articles Editors:
Dola Adebayo
Jiajun Lu
Isabella Masiello
Davis Zosel

Editorial Staff:
David Akst
Andrew M. Baim
Joshua Berlowitz
Dan Borkin
Amaya Contreras Driggs
Celeste A. Fleetwood
AJ Handler
Steven Hao
Aileen L. Kim
Stephany S. Kim
Tiffany Kim
Noah Klein
Jamie Lee
Saisha Mediratta
Sam Moghadam
Shahab Pournaghshband
Coby Rabushka
Caroline Rimmer
Patrick Ronan
Zoe Rosen
Jake Rothstein
Casey Sandalow
Ann L. Seminara
Siena Stanislaus
Adam Vischio

Board of Advisors:  
June M. Besek, Esq.
Gilbert S. Edelson, Esq.
Jane C. Ginsburg, Morton L. Janklow Professor of Literary & Artistic Property Law, Columbia Law School
Trey Hatch, Esq.
Morton L. Janklow, Esq.
Adria G. Kaplan, Esq.
Philippa Loengard, Esq.
David Leichtman, Esq.