Vol. 12: 2010-2011


Harry Surden
The Variable Determinacy Thesis
March 10, 2011
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Raymond A. Mercado
The Use and Abuse of Patent Reexamination
Sham Petitioning Before the USPTO
March 10, 2011
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Katherine A. Franco
Protecting Free and Open Source Software
Solutions in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
March 10, 2011
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Robert P. Greenspoon, Catherine M. Cottle
Don't Assume A Can Opener
Confronting Patent Economic Theories with Licensing and Enforcement Reality
March 10, 2011
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Damon C. Andrews
Why Patentees Litigate
March 10, 2011
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Elizabeth M. Bailey, Gregory K. Leonard, Mario A. Lopez
Making Sense of “Apportionment” in Patent Damages
March 10, 2011
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