Antitrust and the Judicial Virtues

Main Article Content

Daniel A. Crane


Although commentators frequently debate how judges should decide antitrust cases substantively, little attention has been paid to theories of judicial virtue in antitrust decision making.  This essay considers four pairings of virtues:  (1) striving for substantive purity versus conceding to institutional realism; (2) incrementalism versus generalism; (3) presenting a unified face versus candidly conceding differences among judges on an appellate panel; and (4) adhering strictly to stare decisis versus freely updating precedents to reflect evolving economic learning or conditions.  While recognizing the complexities that sometimes pull judges in the opposite direction, this Article gives the nod to institutional realism, incrementalism, candor, and relatively unconstrained updating of precedent.

Author Biography

Daniel A. Crane

Professor of Law, University of Michigan

Article Details

Lecture: The Institutional Dimensions of Antitrust Adjudication
How to Cite
Crane, D. A. (2013). Antitrust and the Judicial Virtues. Columbia Business Law Review, 2013(1), 1–27.