This Issue includes the following Articles:

Banished and Overcriminalize: Critical Race Perspectives of Illegal Entry and Drug Courier Prosecutions, by Walter I. Gonçalves, Jr.

 Defying Congressional Intent: Justices Miller and Bradley Alter the Course of Reconstruction, by John Montoya.  

This Issue includes the following Notes:

The Failure to Protect Pregnant Pretial Detainees: The Possibility of Constitutional Relief in the Second Circuit Under a Fourteenth Amendment Analysis, by Joella Adia Jones. The author is a J.D. Candidate at Columbia Law School, expected May 2020.

Talking Black: Destigmatizing Black English and Funding Bi-Dialectal Education Programs, by Gelsey G. Beaubrun. The author is a J.D. Candidate at Columbia Law School, expected May 2020.