Issue 1 of Volume 11 Is Now Available On WestLaw and LexisNexis
Posted on Mar 4, 2021The Columbia Journal of Race and Law is excited to announce that Issue 1 of Volume 11 has been published on Westlaw and LexisNexis! The issue contains two Articles and two student Notes. In Uprooting Authoritarianism: Deconstructing the Stories Behind Narrow Identities and Building a Society of Belonging, john a. powell and Eloy Toppin, Jr. discuss the establishment of the Western metanarrative, and whiteness’s relation to it, and then advance a strategy to replace it with a more inclusive narrative of deep belonging, offering guidance to the social justice movement in its work toward this end. In Racial Discrimination in Nationality Laws: A Doctrinal Blind Spot of International Law?, Michelle Foster and Timnah Rachel Baker undertake the first in-depth examination of the history, interpretation, and application of Article 1(3) of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and its consistency with the jus cogens prohibition on racial discrimination. Then, in Adopting the Cumulative Harm Framework to Address Second-Generation Discrimination, Nicolás Quaid Galván analyzes different methodologies of determining constitutional harm, and argues that one method—the "cumulative harm framework"—is necessary to combat second-generation discrimination. Lastly, in Environmental Justice and Pennsylvania’s Environmental Rights Amendment: Applying the Duty of Impartiality to Discriminatory Siting, Jacob Elkin argues that one public trust duty imposed by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court under the state's Environmental Rights Amendment—the duty of impartiality—should prohibit state actors from continuing to site environmental hazards in communities that already bear disproportionate environmental burdens.