Forward: When the Stars Begin to Fall: Introduction to Critical Race Theory and Marxism

Main Article Content

Anthony Paul Farley


Marxism, they say, is dead. But the classless society is nowhere in sight. Racism is also dead, or so they tell us. But the colorline is still wrapped tightly around the world. The reports of these deaths are connected and premature. They are connected to the destruction of words. They are premature in the way declarations of final victory are always premature. If we credit Louis Althusser’s observation that “philosophy represents the people’s class struggle in theory,” then our engagement with these attempted dispossessions is a serious matter. This project will show the vitality of Marxism by locating it within what Critical Race Theory should become.

Author Biography

Anthony Paul Farley

 James Campbell Matthews Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence, at Albany Law School.

Article Details

How to Cite
Farley, A. P. (2011). Forward: When the Stars Begin to Fall: Introduction to Critical Race Theory and Marxism. Columbia Journal of Race and Law, 1(3), 226–246.