Re-envisioning Child Well-being Dismantling the Inequitable Intersections Among Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, and Education

Main Article Content

Kele M. Stewart


The family regulation system's policing, disruption, and restructuring of Black families and communities spills over into other systems also marked by stark racial inequities - the education and juvenile justice systems. This Article unpacks how that spillage magnifies the harm to Black children; by exploring the structural mechanisms through which these systems work together to compound disparity and perpetuate inequity, this Article provides further evidence of the family regulation system's failings. 

Author Biography

Kele M. Stewart

Kele M. Stewart is a Professor at the University of Miami School of Law. 

Article Details

How to Cite
Stewart, K. . (2022). Re-envisioning Child Well-being: Dismantling the Inequitable Intersections Among Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, and Education. Columbia Journal of Race and Law, 12(1).