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The Rise of Organ Trafficking

August 18, 2019

According to UNOS, a new person becomes in need of an organ donation every ten minutes.  As of January 2019, over 113,000 people

BMI: Weighing in on Brain-Machine Interface Technology

August 13, 2019

With the continuing development of artificial intelligence (AI), ethical questions explode and fear continues to escalate as the differences between man and machine

Trigger Warnings: Friend or Foe?

August 13, 2019

First implemented to acknowledge the trauma of soldiers and survivors of physical and sexual assault, trigger warnings are now used more broadly in

Fool’s Errand or Crucial for Safety: Does the Autonomous Car of the Future Need LiDAR?

August 10, 2019

In today’s automotive market, one can see multiple brands introducing new “self-driving cars” for commercial use, with companies like Tesla and Mercedes-Benz claiming to introduce

How Our Genes Hold the Secret to Individualized Treatment of Mental Illnesses

August 7, 2019

Genome-wide association studies have made it clear that patients respond very differently to drug treatment due to polymorphism, or genetic variation. Between 25

A New Employment for Recycled Plastic

August 7, 2019

The war against plastic has become a crucial part of protecting our planet in the 21st century.  With an

Detecting Gravitons

August 6, 2019

Since Einstein published his theories of general relativity and special relativity in Annalen der Physik in 1905 and 1916, physics has struggled to

Next Generation Sequencing and Cancer Treatment

August 6, 2019

Next generation sequencing (NGS) has been a recent and important breakthrough in the field of genetics with major implications in the realm of oncology and

A New Employment for Recycled Plastic 

August 5, 2019

The war against plastic has become a crucial part of protecting our planet in the 21st century.  With an

How Much Can You Really Trust the Media When it Comes to Science?

August 5, 2019

A 2017 report by the PEW Research Center found that more than half of Americans receive science news from general news outlets such