Understanding Migration and Resettlement Experiences of Uzbek Immigrants in the United States

Main Article Content

Anastasiya Tsoy
Dr. Khanh T. Dinh
Sharifa Djurabaeva


This qualitative study utilized a thematic six-step analysis process of interview data to identify prominent themes in the life experiences of 20 Uzbek immigrants regarding their migration to and resettlement in the United States; it also examined gender differences in their experiences. The results indicated that at the time of migration, most Uzbek participants were well-educated, middle class, and in their mid-20s. The primary reasons for their migration were limited socioeconomic and employment opportunities, and the declining educational quality in Uzbekistan. Uzbek participants reported some difficulties in their resettlement, including language barriers, cultural challenges, and financial stress. Most participants felt welcomed by the host community, believed in the “American dream,” considered themselves successful, and envisioned their future in the US rather than in Uzbekistan. Across all interview questions, women tended to focus on their children’s well-being and the opportunity to gain personal freedom in terms of education and employment, whereas career aspirations and achievement of financial stability were the focus for men. The results from this study provide much-needed information about the life experiences of Uzbek immigrants in the US and have implications for future research with this understudied population from Central Asia.

Author Biographies

Anastasiya Tsoy, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Anastasiya Tsoy, M.A. 

Doctoral Student

University of Massachusetts Lowell

Program Manager, Asian American LEAD

Bio: Anastasiya is a Ph.D. student in the Applied Psychology and Prevention Science program at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. Her primary research interests center on community and immigrant psychology, particularly on migration and adaptation of Uzbeks (Central Asia) in the U.S. Her ultimate goal is to contribute to the field of immigrant psychology, develop intervention programs that will help immigrants from Central Asia to successfully adapt to the U.S. society, and spark interest in psychology among Asian immigrants. Anastasiya holds a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and a certificate in Sexuality, Women, and Gender studies from Teachers College, Columbia University. She is an active member of the Society for the Psychology of Women (Div 35); recipient of the Student Award of Div 35/Section V: Psychology of Asian Pacific American Women group; fellow of Bella Abzug Leadership Institute; and scholar of Women International Leadership Program.

Dr. Khanh T. Dinh, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Khanh T. Dinh, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Fellow, American Psychological Association
Research Affiliate, Center for Antiracist Research, Boston University



Khanh Dinh joined the faculty in 2001 and her areas of academic interests are in clinical and community psychology. She is particularly interested in the effects of cultural changes and stress on the adaptation of immigrant individuals and families. Her research involves investigations of acculturative influences and their impact on the quality of interpersonal relationships and adjustment, including mental health and physical health outcomes. Her overall goal for her research program is to contribute to a better understanding of immigrant psychology and to develop intervention programs that facilitate the successful adaptation of incoming immigrants to the United States. She is also interested in issues of diversity and social justice in understanding the life experiences of immigrant and other diverse populations. She received an NIH National Health Disparities Research Service Award and frequently serves as a consultant for the National Institute of Mental Health. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race, and the Society for the Psychology of Women.

Article Details

Uzbek immigrants, migration, resettlement, cultural adjustment, gender differences
How to Cite
Tsoy, A., Dinh, K. T., & Djurabaeva, S. (2023). Understanding Migration and Resettlement Experiences of Uzbek Immigrants in the United States. Graduate Student Journal of Psychology, 20. https://doi.org/10.52214/gsjp.v20i1.10308