Panic Disorder Subtype Gastrointestinal Response: Phenomenon and Treatment Recommendations

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Allison Bonifay
Kevin J. Ashworth
Johan Rosqvist


While research has shown strong associations between Panic Disorder and symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, there is a dearth of evidence on limited symptom Panic Disorder with the primary symptom of gastrointestinal distress. Most published studies have been single case studies or small case series, and proper classification remains unclear. Although a formal diagnosis does not exist for this presentation, this paper proposes the diagnosis of Panic Disorder (PD) Subtype Gastrointestinal (GI) Response. This particular cluster of symptoms currently creates a diagnostic conundrum, which can directly affect treatment options. This paper explores the relationship between Panic Disorder and gastrointestinal distress, and discusses the challenge of differential diagnosis among disorders with considerable symptomological overlap (e.g., Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Agoraphobia, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Theories such as the brain-gut loop and cognitive theory are discussed to explain how the interaction of cognitions and physiological reactivity maintain and exacerbate the proposed disorder. Finally, specific treatment recommendations and behavioral assessment methods are provided.

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How to Cite
Bonifay, A., Ashworth, K. J., & Rosqvist, J. (2010). Panic Disorder Subtype Gastrointestinal Response: Phenomenon and Treatment Recommendations. Graduate Student Journal of Psychology, 12, 45–50.