Effects of Absorption Training on Positive Activity Experiences for Individuals with Anhedonia: A Single Case Series
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Existing literature has suggested an association between being absorbed in activities and improved experience in activities in terms of better mood gain and reducing rumination. This single-case series aimed to collect methodological information and preliminary data for future trials regarding the effects of absorption training; a rumination-focused CBT component, on improving positive activity experiences among individuals with anhedonia using a multiple baseline design (N=16). There were no significant effects of absorption training found regarding the level of absorption, positive affect, and rumination during the positive activities which might be due to high baselines, limiting the effects of intervention. The effect sizes indicated that absorption training might have larger effects on improving absorption and reducing rumination than increasing positive affect during activities. In terms of suggestions for methodology, future clinical trials should target participants with higher levels of anhedonia using a larger and homogenous sample and provide higher-intensity training. It is also worth exploring whether absorption training has larger effects on specific types of populations such as clinically depressed individuals.
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