Peer Review

If you are interested in becoming a peer reviewer for openwork please let us know

openwork is experimenting with a new form of peer review that is conversational, (quasi)non-anonymous, and integrated into published issues. After a more traditional peer review of full length submissions where peer reviewers and contributors remain anonymous, contributors will be given the option to engage in an open dialogue with peer-reviewers, and to co-curate and integrate (in collaboration with the openwork editorial committee) selections of these exchanges into published issues. Through this process we aim to develop a unique scholarly discourse that is open to transformation—colliding process and product in a manner that decenters understandings of either. 

openwork aims to publish a wide range of contributions from artists, activists, curators, scholars and(….) We view the disciplinary formations associated with these various zones of activity as not easily captured in binary oppositions. For us there isn't, for example, a clear, useful line to be drawn between "artworks" and "articles" - research in these two epistemic extrema as well as those developing research in between them can propose new forms of knowledge and perspectives about the theme of a respective issue. As such, we see the peer review process as essential to the development of every contribution - not only articles. We are currently seeking to collaborate with peer reviewers interested in reviewing the full range of materials we publish: full length scholarly essays, creative texts (commentaries, manifestos, polemics, artistic reflections, lyric essays, multemdia formats that use text), artworks (stand alone musical works, albums Dj sets, music videos, poetry , short films, photo collections, essays or collages), as well video, audio or image materials relating to visual and sound art idioms that don't fall neatly into these categories.