The Legacy of Bla ma dkar po: An Unsettled Dispute between Chone and Labrang on the Inner Asian Frontier


Marnyi Gyatso







Marnyi Gyatso is currently a Postdoctoral Research Scholar at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute. He studies the historical changes of Inner Asia from the fourteenth century to the twentieth century. Working both in the field and in the archive, his research focuses on the social, political, economic and religious interactions between China and its multiethnic neighbors. His dissertation examines the resilience of the tsowa-based Tibetan social-political structure and the complex tripartite Tibetan-Chinese-Muslim relation on the Sino-Tibetan frontier in the course of China’s transformation from empire to nation-state. He is currently working on a book manuscript that investigates how the tea-horse trade shaped the natural, social and cultural landscapes in Amdo from 1368 to 1735.

