“Hear What You Want”: Sonic Politics, Blackness, and Racism-Canceling Headphones

How to Cite

Blue V, A. (2017). “Hear What You Want”: Sonic Politics, Blackness, and Racism-Canceling Headphones. Current Musicology, (99/100). https://doi.org/10.7916/cm.v0i99/100.5346


SHOT: A person sits on a couch, book in hand, coffee table at the knees. We have not yet seen their head—the camera has kept their identity con-cealed, showing only the shoulders down. As the camera slowly pans, and the person carefully turns the page in their book, we hear voices being broadcast from a television. The camera switches gaze, turning to show a sports commentator speaking on screen

“I think there’s zero threat. My problem is, KG’s a little too ‘over-the-hill’...”
