Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines according to manuscript type (Original Research, Review, Field Notes, Perspectives).
    See here: https://journals.library.columbia.edu/index.php/jgh/authorguidelines
  • The manuscript text is in Microsoft Word. The text is double-spaced and uses a 12-point font. There are continuous line numbers on the lefthand side of the Word document.
  • The manuscript uses in-text citations that follow APA format.
  • There is a completed conflicts of ICJME Conflicts of Interest form. The form can be found in "Author Guidelines" under "Conflicts of Interest Disclosure."
  • Figures and tables are in a single PDF file with legends below each figure or table and cited within the main text in numerical order. Authors should submit only one figure per page.
  • Supplementary materials, if any, may be published within this section and should be submitted as a single PDF file. Note that supplementary materials will not be copy-edited or typeset and will published as is.
  • References are listed sequentially in standard format starting on a separate page after the manuscript. See "Author Guidelines" for more details on citations.

    Authors are held responsible for the accuracy of their references. References should be checked before the submission of the manuscript.

The Journal of Global Health currently accepts four types of manuscripts for its bi-annual online issue. Articles will be published online on a continuous basis to ensure dissemination of timely, up-to-date information. However, manuscripts submitted after September 1st will be considered for the Spring issue, and manuscripts submitted after February 1st will be considered for the Fall issue. All submitting authors will first need to register on The Journal of Global Health website. Upon completion, authors will then upload the manuscript formatted as per the author guidelines. Specific submission procedures and requirements are as follows. To see how to properly format your paper for submission, visit the Author Guidelines page.

I. Publication Eligibility

II. Submission Types

III. Submission Components

IV. Author Agreement

I. Publication Eligibility

  1. The Journal, in the spirit of aiming to provide a voice to student researchers, requires that at least one author be a student at either the undergraduate or graduate levels at time of submission.
  2. The submitted manuscript has not been published nor will be published in another publication at the undergraduate, graduate or professional level.
  3. The manuscript must be the authors’ own original work, and the authors are the sole authors of the manuscript.
  4. The primary author is willing and able to work with the Journal editors throughout the review process if selected as a likely candidate for publication.

II. Submission Types

Please ensure your manuscript meets the following requirements. Requests to exceed the word limits must be made prior to submission and will be considered at the discretion of the editor. Information regarding specific formatting and content can be found in the Author Guidelines.

Original Research: 300 word abstract, 5000 word manuscript (maximum, not including the title page, abstract, figures/tables, acknowledgements, contributions, or references), up to 5 figure/tables, 100 references

Review: 300 word abstract, 5000 word manuscript (maximum, not including the title page, abstract, figures/tables, acknowledgements, contributions, or references), up to 5 figure/tables, 100 references

Field Notes: 300 word unstructured abstract, 3000 word manuscript (maximum, not including the title page, figures/tables, acknowledgements, contributions, or references), up to 5 figure/tables, 50 references

Perspectives: 2000 word manuscript (maximum, not including the title page, figures/tables, acknowledgements, contributions, or references), up to 5 figure/tables, 50 references

III. Submission Components

The following files must be prepared and submitted as separate files. Please carefully review each element to ensure all criteria are met. Manuscripts without all the necessary components will not be considered. More detailed information regarding each component and formatting are provided in the Author Guidelines.

  • Cover Letter
    • Authors must submit a cover letter along with their manuscript in their initial submission stating the title of the manuscript and the name of the authors, concisely describing the rationale behind the study and major findings from the research, and ultimately explaining the significance of the study and why it fits within the scope of the Journal. The cover letter should be no longer than one single-spaced page.
  • Title Page
    • The title page includes the title of the article, full author names, titles, and academic affiliations, corresponding author postal address, phone number and email, keywords, and word count (excluding title page, abstract, references, figures and tables).
    • The title page should also contain Acknowledgements (optional), Funding Sources, Author Contributions formatted according to CRediT Taxonomy, Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest, IRB/Ethical Board approval and protocol number (if applicable).
  • Blinded Manuscript
    • The blinded manuscript contains the title and abstract (if applicable) and manuscript sections. Research manuscripts (original research and Field Notes) contain the following sections in order: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion (optional). Literature reviews contain an Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review sections with thematic headings, and Conclusion. Perspectives contain an Introduction, Body with thematic headings, and Conclusion. References appear at the end of this section and must be in APA style.
    • Please ascertain that the blinded manuscript does not contain any identifying information. Guidelines for ensuring anonymity are found here.
  • Figures/Tables
    • Figures and Tables must be initially submitted as a single PDF file with legends below each figure or table. Authors should submit only one figure per page.
    • In proofs, authors will be expected to submit figures/tables as seperate files (TIFF, PNG, or PDF) with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
  • Supplementary Materials
    • Additional figures and tables, methods, or raw data may be published within this section and should be submitted as a single PDF file. Note that supplementary materials will not be copyedited or typset and will published as is.
  • Conflict of Interest Disclosure
    • Authors are asked to fill out, sign, and submit the ICMJE Conflicts of Interest form which may be downloaded here. Further information may be found at the ICMJE website.

IV. Author Agreement

Following acceptance for publication, authors must sign an author agreement to grant the Journal appropriate rights to use the article for the benefit of the scientific community although authors will retain the copyright to the article.

Download a copy of the author agreement.