Spotlight on Fukushima: The Aftermath Interview with Norman J. Kleiman, PhD at Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University

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Kevin Xu
Norman J. Kleiman, PhD


Norman J. Kleiman, Ph.D. is a faculty member at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, Director of Columbia University’s Eye Radiation and Environmental Research Laboratory, and the U.S. Director of the Ukranian American Chernobyl Ocular Study (UACOS). Dr. Kleiman’s research uses the human eye as a model system to study the effect of ionizing radiation and environmental exposures on human health. Following the March 2011 earthquake in Japan, Dr. Kleiman has been frequently asked to discuss the consequences of the radiation leak from the Fukushima nuclear plant and has been featured in various publications and media outlets including Science, PBS, and MSNBC.

In past interviews, Dr. Kleiman has offered some stirring and thought-provoking insight on the health consequences of radiation exposure at Fukushima, and he has interestingly warned against overstressing the risks posed by the radiation leak. In mid-April 2011, Columbia University student Kevin Xu of The Journal of Global Health caught up with Dr. Kleiman at his office during a brief break in his busy schedule. In the edited transcript below, Dr. Kleiman shares his perspectives on the public health consequences of the spread of radiation in Japan.

Article Details

Norman J. Kleiman, Fukushima, radiation exposure
How to Cite
Xu, K., & Kleiman, N. J. (2011). Spotlight on Fukushima: The Aftermath: Interview with Norman J. Kleiman, PhD at Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. The Columbia University Journal of Global Health, 1(1), 33–35.