Detecting Intimate Partner Violence and Postpartum Depression Neglected Issues in Pregnancy and Women’s Health

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Jean Marie Place, MSW, MPH


Postpartum depression (PPD) is a pressing public health concern because of the negative effects on women’s psychological well-being and infant-mother attachment, yet few health providers screen for the condition or have protocols in place for its management. Intimate partner violence (IPV) during pregnancy is strongly associated with PPD, as well as other health conditions, yet it also is generally undetected in perinatal care visits. Early screenings for IPV during pregnancy and PPD after delivery by healthcare providers are important strategies for ensuring these health issues are detected and awareness is raised about their importance to the health of women and children. Action is needed to ensure the inclusion of training for IPV and PPD screenings during health professional training and professional association involvement, as well as the support of healthcare policies directed at prioritizing IPV and PPD screenings throughout the perinatal period.

Article Details

postpartum depression, intimate partner violence, maternal health
How to Cite
Place, J. M. (2011). Detecting Intimate Partner Violence and Postpartum Depression: Neglected Issues in Pregnancy and Women’s Health. The Columbia University Journal of Global Health, 1(2), 27–30.