Letter From The Editors

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Katherine Long
Harrison Zhang


We are tremendously excited to share with you our Spring 2021 issue. Over the past semester, our journal has continued to operate entirely virtually. Despite not being able to meet and interact in-person, we have still been able to meet virtually to plan engaging events, produce podcasts and blog posts, and publish our semesterly issue. While we initially struggled to operate virtually as an organization, like much of the rest of the world, we have learned to quickly adapt to the unique circumstances. Through this, we have been able to continue to work toward our mission to spark dialogue and spread awareness within the global health community and beyond.

Article Details

Letter from the Editor
How to Cite
Long , K., & Zhang, H. (2021). Letter From The Editors . The Columbia University Journal of Global Health, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.52214/cujgh.v11i1.8497