طلبات النشر
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متطلبات تحضير طلب النشر

كجزء من عملية تقديم طلب النشر، على المؤلفين التأكد من كون طلباتهم مستوفية لجميع الفقرات الآتية، وعليه، فقد تُرد الطلبات التي لا تلبي تلك الضوابط.
  • Author produced the work as an undergraduate, and is either currently enrolled at an undergraduate institution or a recent alum (i.e. graduated within the same calendar year).
  • Work has not been previously submitted to CJA, and has not been published by another journal nor is it being currently considered for publication elsewhere.
  • Submission is uploaded as a single Microsoft Word document.
  • Submission is structured as: (1) cover sheet with the author name, class year, major(s), university, university-affiliated email; (2) manuscript, containing the research/creative content; (3) bibliography (mandatory for research papers, only when applicable for creative works).
  • Manuscript has no personally identifying information such as author name, university, or class year (note that creative works that make reference to the author’s identity are still permissible).
  • Bibliography (for research papers and, when applicable, creative works) is formatted in accordance with the Author Guidelines.
  • For research papers: (1) manuscript is 1,500-4,000 words (notes) or >4,000 words (for articles); (2) double-spaced, Times New Roman, with 1” margins and page numbers; (3) contains a 150-300 word abstract at the start of the manuscript.
  • For creative works: (1) manuscript is under 2,000 words; (2) single-spaced for poetry, double-spaced for prose; (3) Times New Roman, with 1” margins and page numbers.

إرشادات المؤلف

CJA invites an inclusive view of Asia, including regions traditionally demarcated as Eurasia and the Middle East, alongside those demarcated as South Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia. We believe in the value of considering Asian communities and diasporas in relation to one another and in their global and transnational contexts, rather than upholding the limits of the ‘area studies’ model that has dominated Western scholarship on Asia.

CJA publishes both academic papers and creative works. The former should present a credible and original argument based on research using primary and secondary sources; shorter papers of 1,500-4,000 words are published as "notes," while longer manscripts of 4,000 words or longer are published as "articles." The latter can include a range of content, such as poetry, prose (personal essays, short stories, etc.), and original translations. 

In addition, authors should note the following requirements:

  • All sources are accurately cited according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition: in-text references are given as footnotes, and there is a full bibliography at the end of the submission.
  • URLs are included in citations whenever available.
  • Submissions may include supplementary materials, such as texts, charts, images, or illustrations.
  • Supplementary materials (if any) are cited in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition, and catalogue-style citations and descriptions are given at the end of the bibliography.

Prospective authors can refer to our sample research paper submission and sample creative work submission for additional formatting guidance.

Creative Works

Creative works include—but are not limited to—works of poetry, prose, visual art, and original translations. All creative submissions must be under 2,000 words, and, when external sources are referenced, they must be cited as Chicago-style in-text citations (footnotes) with a full Chicago-style bibliography.


Notes are shorter research papers of 1,500-4,000 words, which should be submitted with Chicago-style in-text citations (footnotes) and a full Chicago-style bibliography. 


Articles are longer research papers of 4,000+ words, which should be submitted with Chicago-style in-text citations (footnotes) and a full Chicago-style bibliography. 

بيان الخصوصية

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.