Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The essay should use Times or other standard 12pt font, double-spaced, and should include a title, a works cited list in MLA format, and a word count.
  • REMOVE YOUR NAME and your instructor's name from the document.
  • If your essay includes images, you must cite them.
  • Attach it as a .doc or .docx.
  • Specify your course title in the "Comments for the Editor" section below, e.g., UW: Contemporary Essays; UW: Readings in American Studies; UW for International Students, etc.

When can I submit my UW essays for consideration by The Morningside Review?

Typically, you may submit your work up to one month after the last day of your University Writing class. You may revise your work before sending it to us. 

How are essays selected for The Morningside Review?

Essays will be reviewed by an editorial advisory board made up of current UW instructors. The board will not see your name nor your instructor's name. The editorial advisory board will present their final choices for review by the directors of the Undergraduate Writing Program. 

Selected essays will be researched and copy edited prior to publication. We may also request that authors make minor edits and/or additions, and provide copies of pages from which they have cited.

The publication is non-profit, and there are no royalties. If chosen, an essay will be published on the program's website in the following academic year, and will remain online in journal archives and academic commons.  However, authors retain all other rights to their work.  The decisions of the directors of the Undergraduate Writing Program regarding which essays will be published are final.

How will I know if my essay has been selected?

For announcements and updates on the submission process, you are encouraged to like us on Facebook.

You can always check back into the system to see the status of your submission. Please note that our editorial process is long and you will likely hear from us the next academic year. We receive hundreds of submissions and typically choose fewer than ten per year to publish. Due to the high volume of submissions, we cannot offer individual feedback on why an essay has not been selected.

Will I receive a confirmation email after I submit my essay?

The system will automatically generate a confirmation email after you successfully submit. However, this email frequently lands in spam folders. Please check yours after submitting.