

  • 该投稿还未被发表过,也没有被其他杂志接受(或者在评论中有一个解释已经提供给编辑).
  • 投稿文件的文件格式可以是OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, 或者WordPerfect document.
  • 在有条件的情况下,提供参考文献的URL.
  • 该文本为单倍行距;字号大小为12点; 采用斜体, 而不是强调 (除非获得URL 地址); 和所有的插图, 图片,以及表格被放置在文本在适当的位置而不是在结束.
  • 该文本符合作者指南里文体和书目的要求,作者指南可以在关于期刊里找到.


As of June 3, 2024, the Journal is temporarily suspending submissions. Please stay tuned for an update in mid-July.


We aim to publish innovative and original scholarship spanning East, South, and Southeast Asia. The Journal’s practice area coverage is very broad and includes interdisciplinary writing. To showcase stellar research from practitioners and academics for whom English is not a first language, we seek quality in content, not merely style, and work closely with authors to refine the article for publication. All submissions, however, must be in English.


Submissions must include:

  1. The article
  2. An abstract of roughly 200 words, and
  3. A current CV for each author

Note: We prefer citations in the Bluebook format. There is no maximum or minimum number of pages. Past articles have varied from 20 to 150 pages.

Method of Submission

Please submit via the submission portal on this website.

We do not accept submissions via email or on Scholastica. But please feel free to email us at jrnasian@law.columbia.edu if you have an issue with the submission portal on this website, or if you would like to follow up on your submission; we will respond as soon as we can.


We are currently not accepting any further submissions. Please stay tuned for an update in mid-July.

Note that the article must be finished prior to submission—abstracts and incomplete articles will not be considered.

Expedited Review

If you have received an offer from another journal for your article and would like to request an expedited review, please email jrnasian@law.columbia.edu and the Submissions Editor, Zuo Yang, at zy2522@columbia.edu, with the subject heading “CJAL Expedited Review.” In the body of the email, please include:

  • the name of the article, submission ID, and the submission date
  • the name of the journal that has extended the offer;
  • the date the offer expires; and
  • the email address of a contact person at the journal that has extended the offer.

An offer of publication following an expedited review automatically expires three business days from the time of notification of the offer.

