Membership Selection

The Columbia Journal of Environmental Law recruits rising second-year Columbia Law students who are enthusiastic about the work we do, who are interested in environmental issues, and who are committed to contributing to CJEL‘s continued excellence.

We offer staff members broad experience in editing and environmental law exposure.  Our staffers have direct contact with environmental law practitioners working at law firms, environmental organizations, and government agencies.  However, we do not require prior knowledge of or experience in environmental law.

Since we publish three issues per year, our cite-checking assignments are manageable.  Moreover, 2Ls have the opportunity to make substantive editorial decisions.

Our note publication program is voluntary and based entirely on your own interest.  This ensures that all staffers who commit to writing a note receive substantial guidance and encouragement throughout the editorial process, and a good chance of publication.

Applications to CJEL should include:

  1. A 5-10 page writing sample such as a moot court brief, an entry from a legal writing competition, or a comparable piece of writing;
  2. A personal statement explaining your interest in being a part of the Columbia Journal of Environmental Law (2 double-spaced pages maximum);
  3.  A copy of your current resume;
  4.  A copy of your law school transcript.

The personal statement will receive particular attention, but we will consider the application as a whole in making a determination.  The continuing student selection process begins in the spring semester, and transfer students are selected in late July. CJEL also participates in the LLM recruitment process in late August.

Please contact the Editor-in-Chief at if you would like to discuss CJEL in more detail.