Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The author assures that the manuscript is an original work that has not been submitted to or previously appeared in any other publication.
  • The author has disclosed any previous presentation of the underlying research/manuscript on the title page.
  • The author accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of all content, including findings, citations, quotations, and references contained within the manuscript.
  • The author assures that all authors have contributed substantially to the research or manuscript
    according to the the guidelines in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (http://www.icmje.org/about-icmje/faqs/icmje-recommendations/). All co-authors will be asked to confirm authorship.
  • The author discloses in the methods section that approval was obtained by the committee on research ethics at the institution in which the research was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of the World Medical Association (www.wma.net) and that any informed consent from human subjects was obtained as required. A copy of the IRB approval should be attached to the submission.
  • The author has prepared the submission in the format required as described in detailed in Author Guidelines (link).
  • The author discloses any conflicts of interest related to the research or the manuscript.
  • The author attaches documents showing all relevant permissions to publish quotations, text, tables, or illustrations from copyrighted sources as well as patient photos or videos.
  • The author's submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The author provides URLs for the references, where available.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • I have indicated my choice of Open or Double-Blind peer review below.

All submitting authors will first need to register on the JCEPT website with their ORCID ID (PDF instructions).  

Authors will then upload the manuscript formatted as per the Author Guidelines.

For more information on the submissions procedures and materials, please see the following:

I. Open-Review Process

The Journal of Clinical Education in Physical Therapy (JCEPT) will offer two options related to the peer review process.  In addition to the traditional double blind peer review, JCEPT will offer authors and reviewers the opportunity to  opt the open peer review. In an open peer system the identities of both author(s) and reviewer are disclosed to each other.  In addition, the reviewer reports are published alongside articles.

The goal of this change is to foster additional learning.  The collegial exchange of constructive feedback between the reviewer and author can not only provide insight to the submitting author but can also offer valuable information to potential authors performing similar research. Constructive reviews call also offer a learning opportunity to individuals with little or no experience in this area.  Studies have found that reviews of this type more courteous and of higher quality.


When you submit your manuscript you will be able to opt-in to the open review process.

  1. Opt-in to the open-review process by writing in the "Comments to the Editor" box. If both you and the reviewer opt-in for the open-review process, i) you will know who the reviewers are, and ii) the review may be published as a peer-reviewed work, if published with the paper.
  2. The default option will be the traditional double blinded review process. If you do not opt-in, your confidentiality will be maintained in the standard blinded review process.

II. Items to be submitted:

  • Title Page
  • Blinded Manuscript
  • Complete Manuscript
  • Figures
  • Tables

III. Types of Submissions:

Manuscript requirements are listed below for each submission type below:

  • Original Research (250 word abstract, 3000 word manuscript (maximum), 30 references, 5 tables/figures): Exploratory (cohort) and experimental (controlled) research that contributes to the development of new knowledge relevant to clinical education and practice can be submitted. Rationale, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References.
  • Reviews (250 word abstract, 3000 word manuscript (maximum), 30 references, 5 tables/figures): Narrative reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analyses can be submitted. Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Clinical Implications (words), References
  • Clinical Teaching Methods (Maximum 250 word abstract, 3000 word manuscript, 30 references, 5 tables/figures): Description of teaching methods or education models for clinical preparation or practice. Rationale, Methods, Discussion, Clinical Relevance, References
  • Critically Appraised Topics (CAT) (200 word abstract, 2000 word manuscript (maximum), 3 tables/figures): Exceptional analyses of available literature relevant to a particular clinical problem. Clinical scenario, Clinical question, Search methods, Literature Review, Implications, Take Home Message, References.
  • Case Reports (200 word abstract, 2000 word manuscript (maximum), 20 references, 3 tables/figures): Reflective case studies should address novel clinical education or unusual clinical case scenarios. Case studies will only be considered when no randomized control trials addressing the case scenario have been published. Note that case studies do not establish cause and effect. Two types are considered:
    • Clinical Education Reports include the Rationale, Clinical Education scenario or Clinical Case problem including how the outcome was assessed, Discussion, Implication including applicability to other teaching/learning scenarios.
    • Clinical Case Reports are in-depth evidence-based explorations of the real-world decision making process of a clinical case as is common for residents and fellows during training. The clinical case report can focus on the case presentation/diagnosis, intervention/outcome, and/or the reflection/implication of the clinician or case. Included sections are the Rationale, Clinical Case Description including how the outcome was assessed, Discussion, and Implications. References and IRB approval or patient consent required. Images highly recommended.
  • Perspectives (200 word abstract, 2000 word manuscript (maximum), 20 references, 3 tables/figures): Perspectives are invited manuscripts that can be position papers on educational topics, clinical perspectives on current trends in care delivery and education, or reviews of professional development opportunities. Format may vary, but all perspectives will address the current evidence related to the issue/purpose, logical argument to support the perspective, and clinical relevance.
  • Inter-Professional Clinical Education Corner: This regular feature can take the form of any of the manuscript types above and is reserved for contributions describing clinical education in related health professions with relevance for physical therapy clinical education.

IV. Author Agreement:

All authors must sign an author agreement. The Associate Editor assigned to your manuscript will send you a copy of the author agreement at the time your manuscript is accepted for publication. 

Download a copy of the JCEPT Author Agreement

V. Author Fees:

As an open-access journal, JCEPT’s content is freely available without charge to everyone — clinicians, practitioners, scientists, patients, the lay public — without the prohibitive onus of subscription fees. The article’s publication costs are paid by the submitting author in the form of Article Processing Charges (APCs). JCEPT, like other open access journals, require APCs to enable research articles to be made freely available to all.

While there is no fee to submit a manuscript, upon acceptance there is a $500 fee for full length research, reviews, and teaching method or educational model articles and $250 for shorter case reports, critically acclaimed topics, and perspective articles. Clinicians, physical therapy students, residents, and/or fellows may submit an application for a waiver of this fee. Eligible authors must supply a signed letter of verification, signifying their work as a clinician or enrollment as a student. Please note that waiver applicants must be the first author for the article under consideration. 

To apply for a fee waiver:

1. Download a copy of our Verification Form. Have this form filled and signed by a direct supervisor or program director.

2. Fill out our Fee Waiver Application.

3. Authors with valid applications will not be charged if their articles are selected for publication.