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Wind Energy: Where Is It?

November 30, 2021

On November 15th 2021, President Joe Biden implemented a $1.2 trillion executive order on “Implementation of the Infrastructure

Solar geoengineering: Rescue or Ruin?

November 30, 2021

The idea that control of climate and weather belongs to the cosmos is age-old. In Greek mythology, the most powerful god

Out with the Old and In with the Used: In Fashion and Luxury, Generation Z is Gravitating Towards Resale

November 11, 2021

The success of the modern fashion industry is reliant on its unsustainable business practices. In 2018, the global apparel and footwear industry was

Fighting Fire With Fire: Using Cultural Burns to Combat California’s Wildfires

November 5, 2021

In California, the arrival of fall comes one of the most dangerous times of year: wildfire season. Severe drought, coupled with

The Unknown Impact of Microplastics: How Do They Affect Us?

November 5, 2021


Microplastics are everywhere, and even the human body cannot evade their influence. These small plastic particles originate from larger pieces of plastic, clothing,

To Wolf or Not to Wolf: Unpacking the Controversy of Wolf Reintroduction in Colorado

October 27, 2021

When you think of a wolf, what do you see? Is it one of those cute and cuddly National Geographic cubs,

The ‘Pernicious Paradox’ of Urban Forestry

May 4, 2021

How do we fundamentally transform the way we live in cities? Globally, nations are grappling with the answer to this question

Cryptocurrency Mining’s High Energy Demand: Can the Benefits of Digital Currencies Overcome their Significant Environmental Impacts?

April 10, 2021

It’s safe to say that few economists thought Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies would perform as successfully as they have in the modern economy.

Sacred and Sanctioned: Shadow Conserving Ethiopian Church Forests

April 3, 2021

Deep in Ethiopia’s South Gonder, sparsely conserved forests have found an unlikely ally against deforestation: an Oriental Orthodox Church. “In Ethiopian

Zero Waste Movement: Harmful or Helpful?

March 27, 2021

The zero waste movement has been gaining momentum in recent years with a growing number of eco-influencers and bloggers sharing zero