Call for Submissions

Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development is an online, open-access, solutions-oriented platform dedicated to advancing dialogue on sustainable development. Our global scope allows us to provide an interdisciplinary space to identify and develop innovative solutions to the quandaries facing us today and those that will emerge in the future.

Submissions for the next edition of Consilience are closed. You are welcome to submit for the following edition, though these submissions will not be reviewed until after this edition is published in the fall.

Please submit all articles through this website by visiting the Submissions page.

Consilience, founded in 2007, is based at Columbia University in the City of New York. By creating a public platform for discussion, we hope to encourage an international community to think more broadly, deeply, and analytically about sustainable development. Through an online, intellectually rigorous forum, Consilience is an essential conduit that connects students, researchers, professors, and practitioners from a variety of academic fields and geographical regions. We are forging dynamic conversations that recognize, analyze, and tackle many of the challenges of sustainable development while dissolving traditional boundaries and limitations. Consilience is the first student-founded journal of its kind.

Your are encouraged to view past issues in our archive and to consider submitting your work to our upcoming publication. A more detailed Sumissions Instructions, which describes the types of articles we are looking for, is available here. The early/preferred submission deadline for our upcoming issue is October 9th, 2022 at 11:59pm. We also accept submissions until the final deadline on November 6th, 2022 at 11:59pm, but the acceptance rate may be impacted by editor and peer reviewer availability. 

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the submissions process for this issue or about Consilience​ in general, please do not hesitate to contact us at We look forward to working closely with you through the submission process.