Dear Reader,

Thank you for your interest in Consilience’s latest venture: revamping our Briefings section. We, the directors of this section, would like to provide a brief explanation of the purpose of and our goals for this column.

The articles published in Briefings will engage our readers with current events and allow them to learn more about new, emerging, or overlooked topics related to sustainability. As the name suggests, these articles will be short-form pieces, limited to 1500 words for ease of access. We intend to maintain the format and style of previous Briefings articles while providing more content more consistently. This section will be publishing regular articles during the academic year.

Much like our journal publications, this column hopes to provide an interdisciplinary approach to topics that relate to sustainability in different fields, including but by no means limited to the political, economic, and scientific realms. However, Briefings endeavors to present these topics in a more colloquial and accessible manner for the greater population of casual readers. Our goal is to provide understandable content for economists regarding the newest scientific research alongside articles for lab researchers discussing the implications of recent EPA policy roll-outs. It is our hope that all readers of the Briefings column will be able to understand and learn more in a multidisciplinary manner.

We have a dedicated and passionate team of writers behind Briefings who are all committed to providing interesting, exciting, and – most importantly – accurate content. In an age of scientific denialism where facts are often disregarded and confused, this section strives to provide trustworthy and unbiased information. With that said, if you ever read anything in this section that you question the credibility of, please contact us at and/or – we aim to uphold the highest standards of integrity. Furthermore, if you would like to contribute to Briefings, please review our Criteria for Acceptance (

Finally, if you would like to see more of a specific topic in this section, please feel free to contact us and let us know. Our goal is ultimately to provide content that resonates with our readers. We hope you enjoy reading Briefings as much as we enjoy crafting it!


Amar Bhardwaj, Managing Editor (SEAS ’20)

Sophia Ahmed, Writing Team Representative (CC ‘21)