Shifting From Social Service to Social Change

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Caroline Angle
Shiral Jindal
Alpana Patel


Casa de Esperanza (Casa) is an influential domestic violence organization in St. Paul, Minnesota. Upon examining the changes that have occurred within the organization since its inception, we have struggled with returning to the original mission of addressing domestic violence only in the Latino/a community or remaining an agency that serves women from diverse backgrounds. Casa has decided to remain an organization dedicated to serving women from diverse backgrounds, but will now place the community, rather than the individual, at the center of the organization. Within the next ten years, Casa will shift from providing direct social services to working toward broader social change. Specific changes include phasing out direct services, mobilizing communities to fight violence against women as it intersects with other forms of violence, and advocating for legislative change.

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How to Cite
Angle, C., Jindal, S., & Patel, A. (2019). Shifting From Social Service to Social Change. Columbia Social Work Review, 7(1), 44–51.