Mentoring the mentor: Developing clinical instructor cross-cultural psychological capital to support culturally/linguistically diverse DPT students
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Rationale: Cultural and social isolation, microaggressions, and few culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) mentors contribute to a lack of belonging on clinical education experiences (CEEs) for CLD Doctor of Physical Therapy students. The purpose was to investigate whether a multiple mentor model including a CLD learner, their clinical instructor (CI), and CLD mentor could develop CI cross-cultural psychological capital (CC PsyCap) and mentoring skills to support CLD learners on CEEs.
Methods: Three CLD learners and their CIs were each matched with a CLD mentor. CIs completed online cross-cultural mentor training and met with the CLD student and mentor four times during the 10-week CEE. CIs completed the CC PsyCap survey to measure changes in CI cross-cultural self-efficacy before and after the CEE. Interview data from participants were thematically analyzed.
Results: All CIs demonstrated an increase in CC PsyCap scores over the study period. CIs gained insight into the unique needs of CLD learners, often subjected to bias and discrimination, and developed strategies to proactively support learners. CLD learners faced challenges related to race in the CEE and pressure to assimilate. They valued CLD mentors who role-modeled persistence and success and CIs who celebrated diversity and created a welcoming environment.
Clinical relevance: CIs play an important role in mentoring CLD learners on CEEs. This study highlighted that CI CC PsyCap can be developed through mentoring and coaching from CLD mentors, ultimately increasing support for CLD learners on CEEs.
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