Travel Logistics

June 1 Evening: Museum of Modern Art – 11 West 53rd between 5th and 6th
                             Single-strand presentations + screenings: Lenfest Center for the Arts
June 2 AM & PM: Lenfest Center for the Arts – Manhattanville campus – MTA No. 1 train 125th stop
                             Address: 615 West 129th st. – but seems like it’s 125th
Note: Exit 125th escalator, go Left towards Hudson River, 1 block North side - small all-glass building
                             Parallel panels: Dodge Hall classroom building:
June 3, 4, & 5: AM: Dodge Hall Morningside Hts. campus - MTA No. 1 train116th stop - Columbia gates
                             Address: 2960 Broadway, Broadway & 116th - lst building on North at University gates
Note: building on Left at gates – walk up Low Library stairs, sharp Left into white tent, see: WSS sign
June 3, 4, & 5: PM: Lenfest Center for the Arts – single-strand


Yiddish Theatre Walking Tour


Morningside Campus Map
Manhattanville Campus Map


Article on Restaurants near Campus from Columbia Spectator

Hotel Information:

Near Columbia University, Morningside Heights:
Park West Hotel
Edge Hotel Washington Heights
The ArtHouse Upper West Side
Warwick New York

Other Information on Travel & Accommodations:
Columbia Website