Submission Guidelines
Make your submission here
Manuscript Types
Standard Manuscript: 5,000-7,000-word manuscript. Research articles are new previously unpublished scholarly research.
Article Response Submissions: responses must be 2000-3000 words in length (5-6 pages double spaced), in APA format. While the editorial board will consider academic responses to relevant articles published within peer-reviewed journals from 2019 to present, authors are strongly suggested to respond to past CICE articles from any year.
Book Reviews and Academic Essays: CICE will accept book reviews and/or essays on any subject in the field of comparative and international education or in other related disciplines, including, sociology, economics, philosophy, history, anthropology, and political science.
- Reviews & essays must be 1000-1500 words in length (3-4 pages double spaced), in APA format. CICE will only accept book reviews from texts published from 2019 to present, with preference for books published within the past 6-8 months.
The word count is inclusive of the body of the article, including any tables and charts until the beginning of the references. The word count DOES NOT include the Title, Abstract, or References. All reviews must be in Word format (“.doc”, “.rtf”, or “.txt” files) and uncompressed (i.e. not “.zip”, “.bin”, etc.).
The format of citations, references, and other details should be prepared in accordance with the latest version of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) available from APA, 750 1st St., NE, Washington, DC 20002 USA.
All references in the reference section must be formatted in accordance with APA reference guidelines. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of your submission.
Tables and Figures
All tables and figures must be submitted in publication quality. Tables and figures should be prepared on separate sheets at the end of the running text. Indicate in the text where they are to be inserted. Number and type captions for tables and figures at the top of each element.
NOTE: CICE uses a blind review process; please remove any and all author-identifying information from all pages. Failure to do so may result in the immediate rejection of your submission.