About the Journal

Current Issues in Comparative Education (CICE) is an international online, open-access journal inviting diverse opinions of academics, practitioners, and graduate students.

Established in March 1997 by a group of doctoral students from Teachers College, Columbia University, CICE is dedicated to serving as a platform for debate and discussion of contemporary educational matters worldwide.

The journal shares its home with the oldest program in comparative education in the US, the Teachers College Comparative and International Education Program, founded in 1898.

❏ Aim and Scope

Since its founding, Current Issues in Comparative Education has become a recognized and respected source for cutting-edge debate in the field of Comparative and International Education.

The journal aims to provide a multi-faceted view of comparative education by addressing changes in world politics, economic markets, and the social milieu as they affect education, as well as by welcoming submissions from professors, researchers, students, advocates, policymakers, and practitioners.

CICE seeks to present contemporary scholarly work to a wide and varied audience. We publish original research articles, book reviews, academic essays, and article responses that make clear and significant contributions to further debate on educational policy and comparative studies within a variety of academic disciplines, including Sociology, Economics, Philosophy, History, Anthropology, and Political Science.

❏ Open Access Statement 

CICE provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

Authors retain their copyright and agree to license their articles with a Creative Commons “Attribution” (CC-BY) license. Authors are free to deposit versions of their work in an institutional or other repository of their choice. Note that some articles published in 2020 and later mistakenly include "All Rights Reserved" on their PDF galleys--these articles are licensed as CC-BY, and subject to the terms of that license.

Articles published prior to 2020 are not subject to a Creative Commons license; to request permission for these articles please contact the author directly. You can read more about Creative Commons licenses at creativecommons.org

CICE is an open-access, independent, international journal. There are no fees required to submit or publish in this journal.

❏ Archiving Policy

CICE is archived in Columbia University’s Academic Commons. Academic Commons is Columbia University’s institutional repository, offering long-term public access to research shared by the Columbia community. A program of the Columbia University Libraries, Academic Commons provides secure, replicated storage for files in multiple formats. Academic Commons assigns a DOI and accurate metadata to each work to enhance discoverability.

❏ Peer Review Policy

CICE’s publishing process is based on a rigorous double-blind reviewing policy in which the identity of both the reviewer and the author are always concealed from both parties. Manuscripts may be rejected without review at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. Selected articles may be sent for a second round of peer review if necessary.

❏ Policy on Diversity and Inclusion

The editorial board is dedicated to ensuring diversity among its own members and the authors it publishes.

❏ Ethics Statement

Prospective author(s) represent that their submission is an original manuscript and is an unpublished work that is not under consideration elsewhere. Plagiarism in whole or in part, including duplicate publication of the author's own work, will not be tolerated. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:

  • The reuse of exact wording or phrases of another published work
  • The improper use of quotation marks
  • A failure to attribute quoted texts and ideas to their original authors
  • Using tables, data visualizations, illustrations, and other elements without proper attribution
  • Reusing one’s own previously published words or ideas without attribution

Issues of plagiarism will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the editorial board. In the event that the editors are notified of suspected plagiarism in a submitted manuscript or published article, the editors will follow guidelines suggested by the Committee on Publication Ethics.

❏ Statement on Conflict of Interest

Authors must report any conflicts of interest, such as financial gain from, or obligation to, their research subjects or expected payment for flattering publication of research findings.

❏ Language Policy

CICE encourages submissions in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.